HARERA Registration Number 55 of 2019. Residential group housing colony on land measuring 17 acres. Name of Developer (BIP Holder): M/s SAAN Procon Pvt. Ltd. Licensee: M/s NA Buildwell Pvt. Ltd c/o M/s Raheja Developers Ltd. Number and date of approved building plans: ZP-298/AD(RA)/2016/13852 dt. 13.07.2016. Part OC taken by M/s Raheja Developers vide ZP-298/SD(BS)/2016/24794 dt. 11.11.2016. Total number of flats 828 units. With Provision of Nursery School, club & convenient shopping center. All approvals can be checked in the office of SAAN Procon Pvt. Ltd. at their corporate office with prior intimation. All buildings, information, specifications etc. are tentative and subject to variation and modification by the company or the competent authorities sanctioning such plans. Photographs/images used are only artistic impression (not a legal offering). The Applicant/Allottee shall not have any right to raise objection in this regard.